Sunday, January 9, 2011

Santa Barbara By-The Sea

      One of our favorite places in California aside from Carmel,is Santa Barbara,Ca....I don't know why exactly but it is...Jim and I always wished we could live there..When Jim and I were discussing opening a restaurant,somehow Santa Barbara came to mind...So,I drove up and stayed several days,looking at listings of existing restaurants with a Broker..One place we looked at was at Isla Vista,the college town..It was a big Spanish building,as is a lot of Santa Brabara..There was a large kitchen,perfect-sized dining room,and a very large patio fronting the main road..We ended up buying this business,and then shut it down for remodeling..
    We acquired a liquor license by buying a existing license,a common practice..It was quite pricey at $97,000.00 for a piece of paper,but it was a part of our business plan..Remodeling completed and we re-opened right at the start of the new school year...Business started out with a bang! The menu I had created was a local hit..We had so many requests that we ended opening up for breakfast,as well..One reason of our popularity was that I placed as ad for local bands to play on our patio on weekend nights,that packed the place,and the entertainment didn't cost me more than feeding and watering the different bands..
    To illustrate how busy we were,we ran out or refrigeration space with our walk-in and walk-in freezer were at capacity..We could not add on to the building as the required parking lot was behind our building..One morning,the solution just came to me as I was driving in to work..I saw a old Divco milk truck for sale on the street..After making sure it's refrigeration was in good shape,bought the truck,parked it behind our business,had a electrician install a 220V outlet on the outside wall, and plugged our huge new refrigerator in..That solved all of our problems..
     Jim remained working at his job in L.A. with the idea being that once I got everything up and running well, he would join me full time..As it were,he drove up Fri. night after work,and drove home Sun. afternoons..It had been about a year,and it was time for restaurant number two...We started looking at places,and found one we liked in Goleta,Ca...It already had a liquor license included with the sale...We bought it,and closed it down for redecorating..You can imagine how busy I was with both places,but I had a employee that I promoted to assistant manager and he helped run Isla Vista for me..
   I retrained the existing staff at the Goleta restaurant,fired and hired a few more,changed chef's and implemented a new menu...We did a soft (unadvertised) opening,and allowed the business to grow by word of mouth..Business grew and things settled down to be quite profitable..Then,we decided that we wanted a dinner house..You know, a Chop House,with piano player,dark,romantic...There was just such a restaurant up for sale on upper State Street in Santa Barbara,near San Roque..Same as the last two,business was better than projected..
           I told Jim then, that I wanted to buy a cocktail lounge,something quiet,elegant,classy,live entertainment kind of place..That I wanted to open it as a Gay bar..Now,even though Santa Barbara is small, there were just two Gay bars in town..Plenty of room for a third,thinks I....So,we found a space in a three story building located at the foot of State Street,by the railroad station...It was an existing bar that had always been quasi-Gay,sorta..Our Broker actually found it..They Seller was asking $149,000 for it,and it was only a beer & wine dive...I made a offer of $65,000....Our Broker refused to present such a low-ball offer,and yes, I know that could have cost him his license..I discharged him on the spot,no discussion,and went to another Real Estate agency had had one of their Brokers offer it...It was accepted,and now I had my bar..One decision that turned out to be more trouble than it was worth,by far..
  With the new bar,we knew that we needed more management...So, I ran ads and began interviewing..The guy I hired as general manager for Isla Vista had great references,but one day I entered the office and there he was,doing Coke,and I don't mean Coca-Cola..Of course,I had to fire him, I had no choice,and stopped everything to run Isla Vista while I looked for a new manager..My guy I had the was previously running Isla Vista,I had promoted to general manager of our Goleta restaurant,and he was doing great there..
     One guy that answered my ad for a manager had lots of experience,solid references,and he professed to being a "Born-Again Christian"....Up until then, I took people at face value..If they said they were a "Christian" I assumed that lying,cheating,stealing behavior was not in play..I learned differently soon enough..So, I hired Mr, "Born-Again Christian",getting him working well with my business,and frankly since I was stretched so thin,myself,I made the mistake of trusting him and not checking on him closely..
       I got a late night call from our accountant telling me that he did not get the time cards from Isla Vista and he was running payroll shortly..Isla Vista was closed at 10:00 P.M. that time of the year,so imagine my surprise that night at 11:15 P.M. to see the restaurant open,and some scattered guests on the patio,eating..
     I wasn't angry, but I was really confused..I walked into the dining room and was greeted by a woman who I knew didn't work for me..She handed me a menu that wasn't mine,and attempted to seat me..Taking the menu with me,I was Irish-ANGRY as I stormed into the kitchen..there were people in there that I didn't know, as well..Taking my key,I opened the managers office and crashed the door open as I entered the room..There sat my manager,looked scared and shocked..I demanded what the HELL was going on..He explained that he shut down my business at its usual time, and then re-opened it with the help of his fellow church members,to make money for their church...Using MY utilities! Using MY food and beverage! I honestly think that is as angry as I have ever have been or ever will be..Like a great roaring beast,I threw every last thieving "Born-Again Christian" out of my place of business..They even had Jebus-music playing over my sound system..It took me almost two hours to shut all of the equipment,and clean and to completely close..Oh, and 10 or so days later I get a letter from the State saying that my "Born-Again Christian" manager was now trying to collect unemployment pay from me...Like bloody Hell!! I called my attorney and took him to lunch..When I told him everything,even he was stumped as to a plan of action...Until I told him what I was going to do..Then..he couldn't stop laughing..As will you..I made a appointment with the State employment woman that sent me the letter,and we met...I told her that Mr. "Born-Again Christian" wasn't eligible to receive unemployment benefits..Because I had a job opening for him managing my new bar..That I would not only train him for his new management job,but I would be paying him more...The woman was impressed that I would be so helpful,and since there was a ready job available for Mr."Born-Again Christian",he was unable to collect a thin dime of benefits..Of course,I was banking on the seemingly natural HATRED "Born-Again Christians" have for Gays who have done nothing to them..I knew that he would never work in a Gay bar....And,he didn't...BTW...Jim was shocked when I told him everything..Jim said:" But Ken,what if he had accepted?"..I told Jim I was prepared to be the most LOUDLY cussing,bottle smashing against the wall, bar stool throwing boss Mr. "Born-Again Christian" had ever met..Jim:" Knowing you, I believe it..HAHA! Santa Barbara grows dark in part two..

From the frying pan into the fire..Post Talavera

       After a very long search,I found our next house..It was a Palm Springs Modern-style house..Broad overhangs,flat roof,three bedroom and two bathrooms..It was on a quarter of a acre,and had a very large swimming pool..
     I made an offer that was instantly accepted by the Seller..That should have been a clue,I took it as luck,silly me..
        I contacted the contractor we had previously used in our last remodel,to work for us again, on this house..Little did I know that it would be a year and a half before this house would be completed..
  The first thing I did was have our landscaper remove the entire front yard..It was a jungle of half-dead plants,the irrigation didn't work,it was a serious mess..There was a flowerbed to the right of our driveway,that was watered by our irrigation system..I told the landscaper to take out those diseased plantings,as well..A hour or so later,my landscaper comes to me and say that I have a problem and to come and see..And here is where it started..
          There was a woman in her 30's screaming at my landscapers helpers to stop removing the plants next to my driveway..I tell her to stop ordering my employees around and to calm down..I told her that they were my plants,that they were on my property,that the irrigation watering those plantings were mine,and I could do what ever I wanted with my property..This creature told me that her grandfather had built her house and that he had planted those plants..I told her I had no idea why gramps would plant things on my property,and told my landscaper to finish ripping out the remaining plants..SCREAMING,the woman flew into her house..10 minutes of so,here arrive the police..The police talk to her,then to me...The police agree that the plants in question are on my property,but to be a good neighbor,that I should let the plants remain..Upon hearing that,I take up a shovel myself and dig at the plants,saying:" Good day,gentlemen" to the police..
        And that started the war..
          Soon after we moved in,the neighbor across the street gave us the low-down on that lovely and charming creature next door to us..It seem's that yes,her grandfather did build that house..That at some point,his granddaughter,the same woman who was a screaming banshee,had some hard luck and so moved in grandfather with her three boys,and her boyfriend...
          After several months, I was told,the granddaughter called the police and reported that gramps had molested one of her sons..Gramps was arrested and was not allowed back in his own house..In fact,he died before anything could go to trial,and that gramps son was suing to get his daughter and her brood out of that house..Nice,huh?
       So,the swimming pool plasterers arrive and redo our pool..It wasn't until a month or so after it was re-plastered that I noticed rust scattered all over the bottom of the pool..Each mark of rust was U shaped...It took me a little while to figured what they were..It seems while our plaster was wet,someone threw handfuls and handfuls of metal staples,the kind used by builders.into our freshly plastered pool, ruining it..
       Now where could those staples have come from? Since the pool was close to the woman in question's house,it
was clear that they were tossed into our pool...I guessed that showed us, huh? Well, I just left things as they were,and stayed focused at the job at hand,remodeling our house..
          Now, lets talk about the house,itself..It was built in 1958,it was the first house built in that South Palm Desert tract..It had a rather simple floorplan..There was also a den off of the living room..I asked our contractor to remove this wall,to enlarge the living room..Which he did...
  As I had mentioned,the remodel ended up taking many,many months to complete..The police were over at the banshee womans house every day,or so it seemed..You could hear the constant screaming from there day and night..Why,if Heterosexuals hate each other so much, why don't they separate?...I never get a straight,get it? straight answer about this..It is as strange to me as the habit I have observed of Heterosexuals hanging out in the garage with their friends,drinking beer,all of the time..
      Well, that was the situation on the right side of our house..The house on the left side was no prize either..
It turned out to be a rental house,rented to a woman and her 30-something daughter..They had a hobby..That had cats,lots of cats..We counted 14 cats and that was just the ones wondering around..Me? I could care less that they keep an abundance of cats..Except when the cats invaded our property,using my landscaping as their toilet..Then we have the cats screeching day and night while in heat.,.That was real nice!..I finally had enough and called animal control...Animal control gave me a cat trap to use,and to call them when I caught a cat..That turned into a joke,as they cats that were caught,were released back to this same woman by animal control the day after they were caught..
          So,one day,the doorbell rings and it is this cat-woman at my doorstep..I close the door and step outside..She informs me that she isn't anti-Gay...I could care less if she was or had a Gay bar in her house..I simply want to be left alone,I inform her..She then inquires if I am wearing a butt-plug...That she understood all Gays wear such things..What is it with Heterosexuals making everything about sex? Is it because they get so little of it? I have no idea..I tell her to leave my property and that she is trespassing..With that she flies into a foaming,screaming rage..Having seen female foaming,screaming rages many times before,I remain unimpressed,or distressed..I walked toward my house and left her in the street,screaming...
      The next day,my doorbell rings..It is a policeman..He informs me that my neighbor made a complaint that I was video taping her 30-something daughter over the fence,changing her clothes..I told the officer that we had no video camera (I have one now),and secondly,we were two GAY males,and hardly predisposed to watching women dress or undress..I would rather watch paint dry..He acted like he didn't believe me,and warned me that I better not video record a female..Gawd! How stupid can Heterosexuals be?? Wait! Don't answer that or they will introduce the subject of sex into THAT topic,as well..It is so damned weird...
    Now,back to the screaming banshee house..I go out to put out our trash cans for pick-up,and the motion-sensing floodlights for the driveway don't come on..I looked at the fixture and found that someone had unscrewed and removed both floods..Well, of course I knew it had to be the bastards next door..As soon as it was light enough to see,I took my tools and moved the wires in the metal light fixture to touch the metal housing..Thus,when the floods came on, the fixture was *HOT*...Anyone touching it will get a real surprise...Funny thing,it was left untouched from then on...
      As soon as the remodel was finished,we listed the house for sale,and ended up buying a new house in a new development,in Indio..

Beautiful bride and lost innocence

        Like all of my posts,I simply post the facts',and ask only that the reader draw their own conclusions'..This post is  no different.
         Jim and I had been friends with two Heterosexual couples,one couple for over ten years,and the other five years,when these events occurred.It is,and will always be a classic example of paying attention to one's inner heart..
      Our friends of lesser length had decided to get married..Her husband-to-be was from a savagely devout "Christian" family,her,not so much.It was no secret that his family was rabidly "Christian",and with that knowledge,I wanted to not be around their hateful ways..I made every excuse not to attend the wedding,but both women hounded and badgered me relentlessly,until I caved,and agreed to go..
   I got a taste of things to come when I attended the brides' wedding shower..Why my friends insisted I go to any of it,remains a real mystery..Of course,at the party was the "Christian" Mother-in-law to be,and her equally scowling,hard-eyed "Christian" daughter..I made every effort to avoid them,but their flaming hatred emanated in waves toward me,never the less..
    After that party,I again attempted to decline a second contact with these "Christian" Haters....To no avail.In fact,my friend of ten years got her husband to call me and pressure me to attend the wedding..Of course,I ended up going,or there would be no post on here about that experience..   
   The wedding was to be held up in Yosemite National Park,about 250 miles from Los Angeles...My older friend demanded that we take her car,instead of my driving alone..A decision that I would deeply regret..Her reason for just the two of us going in her car was that she had something to tell me,she said..So,off we go...
   About an hour into our long drive north,my long-time friend tell's me her very special secret..She shares that she has been cheating on her husband,and had been for some time..It was so unexpected,it was like the ground opened up under my feet..While I am trying to process this situation,she tells me that this boyfriend is a TV actor,on a well known drama..I had seen the show before,and knew who  he was..Then she tell's me that her boyfriend was also going to attend the wedding,and would be arriving a later than we would be..
         My friend told me that she couldn't wait to introduce me to her new love..I will stop here for a moment and ask you gentle reader to consider how I might have felt at this point..I was forced to spend 24 hours with
strangers that openly hate me for being who I am,but now I am forced to make nice with the guy that is cheating with the wife of my best friend..I felt like throwing up..If I had a way to go home from the middle of nowhere,I would have..Now,onto the real horrors that lie ahead.
         We arrive at Yosemite National Park,it was as beautiful as always..It seems' there are houses within the park that lease the land they sit on..The house we arrived at was gigantic..A eight bedroom 6 bathroom log house,several stories high..We parked and entered..Who was there to greet us? Why it is Mr. and Mrs. "Christian" Gay-Hater..I said hello to the wife and she looked over to her husband that was ignoring me as best her could..The wife said:" Joseph,he said hello"..Old Joe:" Yeah,I heard IT"..They soon flew off to a similar house they had rented for themselves,down the road..
            Slowly,other people arrived..It seems that the house we were in was for the brides party,and the other house was for the Grooms party..I helped make dinner,and most of the dinner conversation revolved around the mystery of why the Grooms party didn't come over for dinner,the way it had been planned..Of course I knew why,and I think you do,as well..
   After dinner,everyone went their separate ways..I went into the cavernous living room,and sat by the fire,looking into the flames,feeling more miserable than I could ever recall..Thinking it might help,I went outside on the enormous deck,and sat in the frigid night air,staring at the blanket of stars above my head..I wish that I had not gone outside that night..
   After a while, I heard feet crunching on the gravel driveway and I could hear multiple voices in the clear night air..I heard:"Why again,didn't we all eat dinner together tonight?" "Didn't you know? There is a DIRTY QUEER over here"..."Who invited a FILTHY QUEER to the wedding? Oh, IT ,is a friend of the brides"..*Laughter* Can you imagine talking to a FAG,much less being  IT-S friend? *Gales of laughter,and gagging noises*..This sweet and merry group entered the house,and I sat there,now freezing,yet unwilling to go back inside..
          Finally,having stood the cold as long as I could, I went inside,thinking I could hide in my loft bedroom..That was not to be..The bride-to-be collared me,and insisted on introducing me to the Grooms friends..Oh how nice,now I could attach faces to the voices that I had heard outside..Somehow,that made it even worse..Breaking away as fast as I could,I went up to my room and locked the door..
        Of course,I couldn't sleep at all..I went back down to the living room around three A.M.,stoked up the fire,and spent the rest of that night,in a state of shock...About 4 A.M.,the actor/boyfriend of my older friend,arrived..We chatted briefly,then off to bed he went...
         Next morning, I help make breakfast,and assist with the clean-up..One of the guests had brought their child,a girl about 8/9 or so...The little girl asked me if I would "play Barbies" with her..Considering that we were in a living room packed with adults,and recalling playing Barbies with both Jim's daughter and my niece,I agreed..We set  up Barbies things,when all of a sudden,the childs mother swooped in,yanked her daughter off of the floor,and giving me such HATFUL looks,dragged her crying daughter out of the room..
              That was the final straw..I knew that if I attended the actual wedding,this it would be me that was the focus,and not on the bride and her special day..I couldn't..I wouldn't attend..I couldn't take anymore..Yet there was more horrors awaiting me..
             I pulled my older friend aside and told her how I felt,and why I wasn't going to be in attendance..Her reaction was to sic her boyfriend on me..The boyfriend asked me to take a drive with him..I jumped at the chance if only to get the living Hell out of there..We drove down to the village,then,after some coffee,we drove until we came to a large grove of trees..We exited the car,and while talking,he started walking deeper and deeper into the woods..I never realized until later that he had any motive..I simply thought we were on a walk..Dumb me..
          Well,I remained firm in my resolve not to attend,and when I told this to my older friend,she flew off like a hissing cat at me,and left the house..As she stomped out of the house,she shouted:"You sure as Hell are not riding back to L.A. with me,you can ride back with (her boyfriend)"..
        The hours dragged by,and I mean they DRAGGED by..Finally,my older friends boyfriend arrived..I grabbed my luggage and RACED out to his car..Off we went..About thirty minutes into the drive home,my older friends boyfriend steered the subject to bisexuality..He shared his belief and conviction that a guy does not have to be Gay to receive oral sex from another guy..Suddenly,the truth exploded in my head..The walk in the woods,the prior conversations..NOW I understood! What were my next thoughts? All I could think of was that I prayed this guy would not abandon me in the middle of nowhere,because I had NO intention of confirming his beliefs on such activities..
     I stalled and I stalled....Finally,we arrived at my house..As he closed his car's trunk lid,he turned to me, and offered to give me a studio tour where they shot his TV show sometime..I thanked him for the ride home, and fled inside my house and Jim's loving arms..



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cars I have owned

1951 Plymouth Cranbrook (Tought myself to drive and to drive a stick with this) Maroon  218 C.I.Flathead w/Fluid Drive
1955 Buick Roadmaster White & Red Convertible 364 C.I. 
1957 Ford Fairlane 500....Goldenrod & black 312 Thunderbird V-8 Auto trans
1957 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer D-500 325 C.I.
1958 Ford Fairlane 500 Biscayne Blue & Snowshow White   332 Interceptor V-8, 3-speed stick W/Overdrive
1958 Nash Metropolitan convertible  Red,Austin 4 Banger ,3 speed stick
1958 Buick Super  Midnight blue 332 C.I Nailhead V-8 Dynaflow trans.
1958 Chevrolet Impala 348 C.I auto
1960 Dodge Polara Red D-500auto trans
1962 Plymouth Valiant  Light Blue 225 C.I Slant-6 auto trans
1962 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pick-up truck Blue 283 C.I stick
1963 Pontiac Bonneville Safari wagon  Maroon 389 C.I. V-8 auto trans
1965 Pontiac 2+2  421 Black C.I. 4-speed stick
1965 Bonneville 389 C.I. Black auto trans
1966 Ford LTD White 428 C.I. V-8 auto trans
1965 Oldsmobile Starfire White 425 C.I. V-8 auto trans
1966 Chevelle S.S. 396 C.I auto Black
1966 Pontiac Grand Prix Dark Blue 428 V-8 auto trans
1967 Chevrolet Impala S.S. 427 C.I. auto trans
1968 Pontiac Executive Safari wagon Royal Blue 400 C.I.,auto
1968 Cadillac Fleetwood Med. Green 427 V-8 auto
1969 Ford Torino Brougham Dk. Green 390 C.I auto
1970 Oldsmobile Brougham 98 455 C.I V-8 auto
1972 Cadillac Eldorado 500 Golden Brown C.I auto
1974 Cadillac Coupe' De Ville Chocolate Brown 472 C.I. V-8
!974 Plymouth Trail Duster Dark Green 360 V-8 auto 4 wheel drive
1979 Ford Grenada White 250 C.I. Straight 6 auto
1979 Cadillac Seville black 350 C.I auto
1980 Chevrolet Half ton pick-up truck White 6.2 L.diesel auto
1982 Audi 5000 2.3 L 6 cylinder auto
1983 Chrysler LeBaron GTS  2.2 L Turbo Red auto
1987 Dodge GLHS Shelby 2.2 L Turbo Black Stick
1991 Ford Taurus Wagon Beige 3.8 L V-6 auto
1995 Ford Explorer Dk. Green 4.0 L 6-cylinder auto
1998 Ford Thunderbird Dk. Blue330 C.I auto
1999 Dodge Neon Black 2.0L auto
2000 Kia Sephia LS 1.8 L Red auto
2002 Kia Optima ES 2.7 L V-6 Grey auto
2002 Chevrolet Camaro Gray V-6 auto
2003 Kia Sedona EX 3.5 L Black auto
2004 Kia Spectra 1.8 L 4-cylinder Red auto
2005 Kia Sportage EX V-6  Green auto
2011 Kia Soul !Titanium inline-4 auto
Hmmmm...I have owned 45 cars so far..That is a average of a year a car,since I have been driving..That is a lot of cars..LOL! Have you owned any of these?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Fine dining with the elite of Palm Springs

     You haven't lived until you go out for fine dining in Palm Springs with the elite..They are the elite,just ask them and they will loudly proclaim to to be so..
     Here are a a few examples of those very interesting and exclusive evenings...
   A new,exclusive restaurant had just opened up and a couple we knew had secured a reservation for a table for six,and asked if we wanted to go...After insisting that Jim and I pay our own freight,we agreed to share in a magical evening..
     We had not met the other couple, as they were friends of our hosts..Jim and I arrived late,as I couldn't find the damn restaurant..We entered,it was packed with people..We were told our party was waiting at the bar..I can only assume that our being ten minutes late caused the other two couples to drown their worries about our fate, in a sea of Grey Goose French vodka..I mean they were slurring words drunk..I ordered myself doubles in a vain attempt to try and catch up with them..(JK)..
      We were finally seated in a very nice two level dining room at ground level,that ended up being ground zero..I placed my order,as did our dinner companions..I went outside for a smoke..Suddenly,I hear a voice behind me slur a request for a cigarette..It was one of the dinner companions we had just met..I offered him a cigarette and offered my lighter..Just as the cigarette ignited,another type of fire exploded..His partner FLEW out to the courtyard where we stood,screeching at the top of  lugs at his partner for smoking..Then, this fine gentleman demanded to know why I gave him a cigarette to start with..Not knowing that he wasn't supposed to smoke,and also feeling no responsibility for the actions of strangers,I shared both of those facts, with balled fists..LOUDLY..Please don't think the party is over dear reader,it has just begun..
      Staggering before me,my two dinner companions reentered the dining room and returned to our table..I noticed that our other two friends were now missing from the table..I asked Jim where they were..Jim pointed silently downward..No..Get serious..REALLY!!?? They were under the table??? Well, actually, one was under the table lying on the floor,and the other one was now slumped half under the table..Then dinner arrived..
               The guy on the floor was now moaning that he had to pee,and  remained prone on the floor,dragging himself toward what I assumed was the hallway to the bathroom..I watched as his friends ignored him and a busboy stepped over him..I look at my now cooling $35.00 entree and back at the crawling figure..I stood up, went over and picked him off, leading him down a very dark hall to the mens room..I actually received applause from other diners,which deepened my embarrassment..
  I saw a sign on a door that had a sign starting with a large "M" letter..It was so damn dark and he was starting to slip from my grasp,I just yanked the "M" door open and pushed him into that room..within a few seconds the door crashes open..There stood the manager yelling about how the guy tried to pee in his office..Oppppps! Wrong "M"..
    The manager pointed me in the direction of the real mens room,which, of course,included another trip through the packed dinning room..This time, we received shouts of laughter..
     I found the real mens room, had walked him to the first urinal..He fumbled and fumbled as I held him up against the wall..He asked me for help..I told him that it was likely he would be pissing his own pants before that ever happens..
   Luckily for him,he was finally successful and the mission was accomplished..I helped him back to our table, and sat down in front of my cold,congealed,lobster casserole.. By then, Jim had finished his dinner,and our two friends had left the restaurant,their part of the check unpaid,and sticking us with their two pals...I collected enough from our new friends to cover their dinners and the other two dinners,plus a good tip..I stuck the cash in my wallet and paid for the whole thing on my credit card...
      Jim and I left those two sitting at the table,and whom might still be sitting there,for all we know..
      Next we have another very special Palm Springs dining experience.. As we were the hosts,I must take a little blame for what happened..
        A couple we knew were having their 25th anniversary..That same date,there was a going to be a dinner show at one of Palm Springs finest resorts,for charity..The tickets included dinner and a show..It turned out that we ended up being the show..I paid extra to be right in front of the stage..We invited another couple and two single friends as well..Lets say it wasn't cheap, but how many can say its been 25 years together..
       I really wasn't paying attention to how much booze the couple of honor was pounding down, but Jim noticed at the time,and I noticed when I got the bar bill..
                               Food service was completed and the live show was about a third of the way into their program..I told Jim I was glad that we had front row seats..I regretted saying that a few minutes later as the lovebirds got into a drunken fight..Oh yes,screaming things like :" I HATE YOU AND ALWAYS HAVE"..or my personal favDIEEEEEEEEEE"....That was nice!
   It was so disruptive that the entertainers stopped entertaining and stood and watched the spectacle right there before them..
      One of the two stormed off,civility returned,as did the performance..I bet you think that is all there was to that story..Nahhh..This is Palm Springs,that demands a BIG finale!
    I guess about 10/15 minutes later the guy that stormed off returned to our table,shirt torn, and bloody..He said that he had backed into someone else's car in the parking lot and there was a fight when that driver tried to take our drunk friends car keys from him.. Of course,the cops were now on the way..Jim wordlessly bounds to his feet,grabs the poor drunk and says that he, Jim, is driving him home right now, and off they flew..Of course,being me, all I can think of Jim being arrested as a accessory..
  Jim returned safe to the resort..Got me, and we bid yet another magical evening in Palm Springs a fond good night.
   Don't worry gentle reader,there are many more coming...



Meeting Jim

    It was a real fluke  the way I met Jim..I was invited to attend a motorcycle weekend run (campout),and even though I had a big,heavy touring motorcycle,I just didn't feel like attending..The day before the run officially started,a friend of mine called and insisted that I use his ticket to go,as he had to work..
      I seldom decline anything free,so I packed my gear,jumped on my bike and took off for the mountains..When I arrived,I was greeted by a bunch of friends and people that I knew..They wanted me to camp by them, so,I did..After setting up my camp,I rode over to the area where the motorcycle events were taking place..I was just sitting there and wishing that I had a partner to do some of the events with..No sooner than I thought that,I saw Jim,standing alone,watching the events..I gunned my bike and went over to him..We exchanged introductions..He had lots of questions about my bike and asked for a ride..I gave him my helmet,and off we went,for about an hour..
       Even though meals were included with the run,I asked Jim if I could take him out to dinner...He agreed! YAY! So I took us to town, to the local steakhouse..After dinner,we returned to camp, and sat by the bonfire with everyone else..
             The next morning,we went over to the cookhouse for breakfast,,As we sat down at the table,there was some guy crying,sitting across from us..After he left,I told Jim that is one reason why I don't usually go on these runs'..Someone is always breaking up with someone else..It's depressing..
           Jim blinked and said: "That crying guy was the guy I came up here with"...I confess I was shocked as this was the first time I had heard of someone else..I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing..I went fishing down at the lake after breakfast,and Jim asked to join me..That was the first,but not the last time that Jim has shocked me..
         The next day,we broke camp and packed up..Jim and I traded numbers..I rode back to L.A.,went home,cleaned up and went down to the bar my club hangs at,for the awards presentation from the run that was happening that night..I arrived and the place was packed...It looked like it was going to be so much fun,that I called Jim and invited him down..Jim showed up,and we were never separated again..

Beautiful women

   Sorry,no photos of beautiful women here..The Net is packed with 'em,though...As if you didn't know..
   The very recent death of the  beautiful actress Anne Francis brought back many happy memories of her for me as a fan of her TV show "Honey West"..Her performance in "Forbidden Planet" must have steamed up many a windshield at the local drive-in,when it was first released..
   I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Ms. Francis at a local Palm Springs outdoor restaurant,years ago....She graciously allowed me to join her briefly,and we had a lively chat..I found that her off-screen persona was as beautiful as she herself was outside..Ms. Francis gave me many happy memories to enjoy..I am so sorry that she is no longer with us..
       That being said,thinking about Ms.Francis reminded me of several women I have found attractive over my life..Don't worry,your girlfriends and wives remain perfectly safe around me, never fear!
       It is my opinion that one does not have to be Heterosexual to see the beauty in women..The beauty I refer to is not just confined to the outside..
       I have lived long enough to see how womens lives have changed,all for the better..No longer in cars is it normal for the women to ride,segregated to the rear seat..Silly,wasn't that? I assume it was to keep them safe in case of a car crash,but maybe I am being way too generous..
     I recall so many family gatherings where the women hid in the kitchen,only to be yelled at if the mixer messed up the reception of the Big Game..After dinner,the men sat around while the women cleaned up everything...I have no idea if this is still common in most households,I have not attended a family gathering for many years....
     Things have gotten better for women, with more work to be done to insure that they are equal in every facet of society..
     Rambling on,I must say that actress Anne Jeffreys was always a beautiful looking woman,as well as Connie Francis,the wonderful singer...
     Which brings me to another few beautiful women I have known..We will start with my dad's sister,Connie..Connie was a calm,quiet,unassuming sweetheart..Her life had its issues,and she bore up under them with a class and grace worthy of a regal Queen..There never was a time that I did not welcome the opportunity to be around her sunny disposition..
        Next up at bat was another aunt of mine..Her name Was Florence...She was as beautiful to look at as she was to be near..Her storybook marriage ended tragically when her first husband died,suddenly..Like a beautiful bird,trapped in a room full of starving cats,many men sought her..Sadly,she made the wrong choice and was soon divorced..Once again she remarried to a loudly self-professing "Christian" man..It was not until the last year of Florence's life,we all learned that he was a wife beater..I assume in between all of his Bible-waving..Yet through it all Florence maintained her sense of humor and her natural class worthy of any country club..

Opportunities missed

          Most of us regret opportunities that were missed...I regret very few opportunities missed..One such opportunity that I missed was not owning a Golden Retriever decades ago.
          Oh, I have a had a few dogs in my life..A female St. Bernard,a male black Lab,and a hyper female Cocker Spaniel..Good dogs,all..Make no doubt about that..But,they were never anything as magical as a Golden Retriever...
          Intelligent? Beyond words to describe.. My Golden took three days to completely housebreak after we brought him home from the Breeders',two months old..Never one accident...
     Never leaves my side, unless he seems something that interests him more,like rabbit or a duck,but he is a retriever,after all..This dog wants to please,and tries hard to please..Some nights,I will find him in the hallway,guarding the bedroom door entrance...
          My Golden is what is called a Free-Feeder...He eats only when he is hungry,not just because there is food around..I can put his food down and sometimes he won't eat,until dinner time..
   Are Golden Retrievers perfect? No...They have their quirks,just like humans..I would not recommend a Golden for every one..If you don't have patience,Forget Goldens..They are exuberant,enthusiastic animals..My Golden is almost four and at times,acts like a young puppy..They are bouncy dogs,they love to jump,some might not like that trait..They are crafty...My Golden hides socks,and then chews them up later,when we are not around..This happens for no reason I can tell..I just take the socks away and buy new ones..Someone else might not be so calm about it..Everything a Golden see's instantly belongs to them..MINE! MINE! MINE! thinks the Golden..This doesn't bother me, but it might get annoying to others..
     If you don't like dog kisses,do NOT acquire a Golden..They are by nature both sweet,happy,and loving..You will get kissed,I promise...I just go wash off my arm,hand,leg,etc..
       I think of Golden's as my missed opportunity..Had I known how wonderful they are,I would have had at least two of them my entire life...My health challenges now restrict me to having one,and my hope that I outlive my Golden..
      If you are thinking of adding a dog to your household,please consider a Golden...Mine is from registered champions,and has a better pedigree than I do,but there are other Golden's that are no less wonderful even without the champion bloodline..They are no where near as expensive as my Golden..It is all about what you want..

Losing my religion

          Thinking all about my devoted,Christian church-attending sainted mother caused me to reflect on my take on religion..
             I woke up to churchly reality at a very young age..Every year,at Easter,all Sunday school students were given a collection can to be filled with money all year long..Each can had the childs name on it..You turned in your own full collection can,and received a new,empty one in return..
            I think I was 11 years old, I had turned in my collection can along with everyone else that day..I had forgotten my jacket in the church basement where Sunday school was held..Securing my jacket,I took a shortcut walking on the stage..I saw there was a table with a sea of cans on it..I realized at that moment that the church had plenty of money and sure as Hell didn't need mine..I searched and I searched for my name,I found my collection can and stuck it deeply into my jacket pocket..Needless to say,my friends and I had several months of ice cream, movies,candy and comic books..
             I thought long and hard about the whole God concept as a youngster..The whole He is watching you and every thing that you do,sounded just like Santa knowing when you are sleeping and knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good, etc..Like Santa,God in that form was just too much of a stretch of imagination to exist..
            As a teen, I had a friend from Holland who's parents had escaped from the Nazis and came to the U.S...His parents told me harrowing tales of torture death camps for Jews like themselves..They spoke the truth,as the fear still showed in their eyes when they were telling about these things..It got me thinking..Here are the Jews..They are devoted to God..Even their diet involves the Torah,and God..These are really Gods people in that sense..
            I asked myself that if I had millions of people devoted to me,that lived only for me and to love me,why would I let them be slaughtered? Yet,that is just what happened..No, it defies logic once again to believe that some guy wearing white robes is leaning over a fluffy white cloud and watching me have a shower..
           Of course,those that doubt such as myself,to just have faith...Lets see..I am to have faith that some invisible being,who lives on clouds,watched every person on earth every second of every day? That will never happen..
           This is no knock against those who do believe..Have at it..Wonderful! But,don't try and force me to share in these fantastic beliefs,that is all I ask..
     In a later post,I will share my experiences with a few Self-proclaimed,self-identified Christians I have met along the way...I can only add that my mother is a christian,in ever way,a christian..

Sweet and loving

   To be completely fair,I mentioned my mother in my last post..This will expand that experience that is my mother..They are in no particular order...
           No reflection intended nor implied by this statement of fact,but my mother was a completely different person until her only biological child,my younger brother arrived on the scene..
           As her child got older,the more and more she sank into her own,private,psychotic world..Of course now I know that she is mentally ill,but,back in the day,I hadn't a clue..I will only give the highlights of my life with her..I became very proficient  at doing complicated math just with my mind..My mother taught me that trick by slapping me hard in the face for every error I made,I was eight at the time..It is a skill I still use today..Thanks, mom!
      My mother was blessed with a very special talent..She could turn the crazy on and off as one might do to a light switch..I recall at the age of thirteen..I arrived home, feeling my usual dread upon seeing her car in the drive..As usual, I tried to avoid contact with her,but this time she demanded that I come into the kitchen..She was cutting vegetables in the sink..She asked me a question,I don't recall what it was,didn't like my answer,and lunged at me with her paring knife..I fell backward and landed on the floor.She leaped on me,knife flashing..We struggled,but she managed to stab me in my left calf..That seemed to shock her and she stopped..Just then, the phone rang..She stood up,answered it in her extra sweet voice as if attempted murder had not just taken place..

    I had learned to bind my own wounds long before,and dressed the stab as well as any child could do..I still have that scar in my calf today..The mark of a mothers love..
      My mother insisted that we all attend church every Sunday..We all dressed up back then..I had this wooden pants press/clamp thing that my dress pants hung on..You had to get the clamp JUST right,or the pants pleats might wrinkle..I was changing out of my Sunday clothes when my mother slammed into my room,I was 10,at the time...She flung open my closet door,examined the way I had hung up my dress pants,and then went into one of her roaring rages..Screaming like a mad banshee,she shoved me down on the bed,hitting me over and over with that heavy wooden and steel hanger..All because she didn't like the way I had hung my dress pants up..Exhausted she got up off of me...I went in the bathroom and washed off the blood...
          I was eight years old or so...Mother was in one of her famous fits..She threw me so hard against the wall,that it broke my arm..She was late for a luncheon with her friends,so right after that,she left..I was in so much pain,I did the only thing I could think to do...I walked miles to go see our family Pedophile,er. Dr..He x-rayed my arm,confirmed it was broken and put it in a cast..I walked home..My mother arrived home before my dad did..She flipped out that I had gone to the Dr...That I should have just lived with a little pain,as she called it...
         When my dad arrived home, I could hear her telling him that I had fallen out of a tree,and broken my own arm..Of course,anyone that knows me knows I have always avoided heights..That I would be climbing any tree is so ridiculous...But,that was my dad,never look beneath the surface..Fingers thrust in ears,hearing only happy tunes..
         I remember one day I was sitting at my desk building a model car...I heard the garage door open and I looked out the window I was facing..I watched my mother wheel out my fav. childhood thing..My red Schwinn bike..She laid it down in the middle of the driveway,got in her car,backed out of the garage and over my bike...I don't think I have ever been that shocked..She told my dad that I had left it lying in the drive and that she ran over it by accident.. Expressing emotion of any kind was rare for my father,but he was furious that I could be so careless..I did not tell him what I saw,he would never take my word over my mothers..never.
      We took my bike over to the Schwinn dealer and learned it would be over $25.00 to repair..My dad ranted and yelled all the way home from the Schwinn dealer..From that moment on, I locked my bike to a wood beam in the garage with a chain..
      My mother made every meal time a festival of misery..She spent dinner time criticizing the way I cut my meat,the way I used a soup spoon,etc..You get the idea..Her biggest delight was discovering some food I hated,like peas for example,and serve them as often as she could,making sure I got a a extra large serving..
   My mother made every holiday memorable..Not pleasant,just memorable..After I turned 14,I started celebrating Christmas in my room,alone,rather than endure her tirades..
       I was so miserable with things,and seeing now way out,I attempted suicide..Can you imagine how desperate I was..I wrote a short suicide note and took a large bottle of drugs....As luck would have it,my dad happened to come home early,found me,and I ended up in Harborview hospital..They saved me..They saved me for more motherly love,is all they saved me from..
    Of course,suicide is against the law..Here come the child court system..My mother was in a serious panic..Would I tell the investigators and the judge what was really going on? I am confident that my mother was thinking that she might wind up in a mental hospital,just like some of her relatives did..
    Oh how she turned up the threats to me...Dire descriptions of my father getting fired..yeah,right..That my brothers and I would go to orphanages..That it would all be my fault....In the end,I said nothing to anyone,and the storm passed..My mother dodged a fatal bullet,as did my family..
      I spent the next three years avoiding my family as much as possible..Then one day,my mother hit me over the head hard enough to draw major blood,using a steel vacuum cleaner wand...That was the last time she ever hit me..I rose up and told her that if she ever touched me again,that I would kill her..For the first time I saw real fear in her eyes,because both she and I knew that I meant every word..I was working two jobs at the time, and it was decided that I could move out,which I did..I moved out and never returned..
      Oh, we still speak of sorts..Happy subjects only..She did mention in passing not long ago,out of the blue that she knows that she did things to me,but hasn't any reasons why..Satan awaits his handmaiden to help him rein in Hell,he won't be denied for too much longer.. 

My father

      My father was aloof and disconected most of my childhood..When I asked him to play a game, or do something together,he always declined..He would tell me instead that if he did something with me,he would have to do something with my two other brothers,and was not going to happen..
        I used to wonder why he even bothered adopting my older brother and myself..My younger brother was a happy surprise for them.Later on,as I got older,I realize that it was because of the social pressures of the times..Like having a TV,or white sidewall tires,you gotta have kids..Not that you want them,simply that you must have them..
        My father would have loved for life to have been just himself and my mother,and that was made crystal clear..Life with my father was mostly uneventful..He would drift in and out,with little interaction..Don't think for a minute that he wasn't a good provider..He was...A captain of the Seattle fire department,and well respected...
        My father died four years ago..Attending his funeral,I felt nothing..He had always been nice to me as a adult,I didn't dislike him..Kind of like a nice next door neighbor..
        Of course my mother was having one of her crazy spells..She told anyone that would listen that I was going to cause fistfights at my Dads funeral..Fistfight? Really? Who in attendance would I care enough about to punch out? There is no one, one at all..But,my younger brother actually asked me if I was going to fight at Dads funeral..I assured him that was not going to happen, and it didn't..
       I was up in Washington state a day before the funeral,and was invited over to my younger brothers house.Rather than sit in my hotel room,I went over and had the most amazing series of events happen to me..
        My sister-in-law had only met me once before.she hadn't a clue about who I was at all..My brother was still at work when I arrived at his house,so my sister-in -law invited me in to wait..I had offered to take them both out to diner that night...My sister-in -law was drunk when I got there,and proceeded to get bombed as the day wore on..
       I had come 1,200 miles to bury my father..No one knew how I felt,esp. my sister-in-law..She went on and on about how I must not beat anyone up at the funeral..Then,she switched gears and actually asked me to ask my brother if he would perform a specific sex act upon her..Yes,that happened..Finally,she said it was time to pick up my brother at his place of employment..She had me go with her..I asked to drive or take my car..NOOOOOO! she said..After searching for the ignition,off we weaved,down the road..It was when she almost crashed us into a power pole, that I demanded that I drive..She agreed,and off we went..When my brother asked why I was driving,then took a good look at her,he knew why..
       Of course,she was too drunk to go out to dinner at the nice seafood/steakhouse I was taking them to,so my brother and I went alone..I told him everything that she said..I told him that I was furious that she wanted me to give my brother sex instructions..It was a very uneasy dinner,nothing like I had planned..I drove him home, and went back to my hotel..
      Next day was the funeral..I drove to Sea-Tac airport,met Jim,and we drove up to the island for dad's funeral..My older brother arrived at the church where services were being held,along with his two sons,and third wife..We were all ushered into this room to wait until the funeral began...Myself,Jim, and my younger brother all heard my teenage nephew say to his dad,:"But they don't look like queers"..and my brother snapping back:"Well they are"....Maybe mother is psychic,as I sure felt like punching them both out..
           The minister said this of my father:" Bob was generous with the church,oh, not with money,but with his time"..How fitting slamming dad for not forking out big bucks to a pal of Jebus..I was furious..
           After the service,I was outside chatting with my cousins and up pops this guy,asking me if I knew who he was..I hadn't a clue..Turns out he was a neighbors kid,when we were growing up..He elected to remind me the time I had hid in their house,bleeding,from my sweet mother..That was so nice..Then he shared that his parents wanted to turn my mother in for child endangerment,but decided that it might affect my fathers career,and didn't..Yeah,let the kid get murdered,but don't do anything to dads career..
    Finally,we arrived back at my mothers house..One of her neighbors asked why all three of Bobs kids don't look anything like their parents..I was sorely tempted to say we resemble the milkman,but I let that opportunity fly by..
    I overheard my older brother saying to some people that he was born on flag day,so everyone flys a flag in his honor..I swear I was thinking it,but it slipped out..I said:" Yeah,they all fly flags alright..All at half-mast..Everyone was shocked,my brother was surprised..
     That was the weirdest funeral that I have attended..

A few things about myself

   I grew up in the 1950's..It sure would have been great if the '50's were as nice as TV and films convey..First of all,it was very,very white..It wasn't until the 4th grade where my teacher was African-American do I recall anyone of color..The only people of color on TV was Amos & Andy..Luckily,I was never exposed to bigotry and hated of other races,as a child..
          I also never heard one single word about anything Gay..Nothing..At 12 I asked my father to tell me about the birds and the bees..His reaction was to turn red-faced,and changed the subject..I never asked him a second time..I assume leaving your child ignorant on sex matters made the 1800's..
            Around the age of eight,our family Dr. told my parents that he wanted to treat me with hypnotherapy...Once the good Dr. got me alone and secluded,he molested me..This happened three times,then ceased..That my parents never once questioned the good Dr. as to why he was showering me with expensive gifts,is sad and pathetic..If some man was giving my little son presents,I would sure find out why..
            You have to know that my parents were never ones to tell anything to..Esp. if it was bad news..My mother reacted with anything from that I was responsible,to I was lying,that never happened..My mother has earned her very own separate post,so I will cover her in depth in that post..
           I don't think that I really ever got over the feelings of betrayal of having our kindly old Doc sexually attack me..I do think that it likely affected me on many levels through out my life..
          Although I don't think that it is related,I ended up being Gay in identity..I always felt different than those around me..I would watch sitcoms of husbands and wives and be filled with dread and deep sadness that I would be forced into one of those relationships..Then,one Sat. afternoon, while attending a film performance,I had a sudden Epiphany about myself..I was 11/12 at the time..The film I was watching was called:" Atlantis,the lost world" I believe..There was one scene in which half naked body builders were being turned magically into animals..That got my interest,and as I walked out of that theater,I knew why I felt different..

     I never acted on my feelings,wisely knowing,even that young age,that this secret had to be kept from everyone..
      It wasn't until I went into the Army at 17,that anything occurred..I was stationed at Ft. Ord Ca...It was my first three-day pass off of the post..I drove up to San Fransisco..I parked and simply walked around,not having a clue as to what I might find..Then I saw this guy walking down Market Street..Even a 17 year old could tell that he was Gay..HAHA! I had no interest in him, but I followed him to see if he went where more Gays might be..I saw him enter a bar..I followed..Here I was,17,in a bar,a Gay bar at that..Too funny..Nature took its course and now I had a bar to hang out in every time I was in S.F.
             Bars played a very important social roll back then..There were so few places one might go and have a few laughs..So different from today..
            The Haters don't realize it,but they are directly responsible for more and more people coming out as Gay or Lesbian..They never,ever shut up about it,it is all they talk about,the eat,sleep and dream about Gays..There was real power in the veil of silence on the subject..Like so many others I thought I was the only one that felt as I did..Now, there is no one on this earth that doesn't know that Gays exist..So,I thank the Haters and the Bigots for all they have done,in this regard..
           Their hatred blinds them to common sense..Why would any person ever CHOOSE to be Gay? Ask yourself who would choose to be a automatic second-class citizen? Who would choose to be denied equality? Who would choose to hated and vilified simply for existing? Who would choose to be murdered simply gardening in their own yard..Logic tells you no one would choose that..No one..
           I ask anyone Heterosexual if they can change to being Gay..Odds are,they will say no,they can't..Yet the Haters insist that we can turn off our innate sexuality and become straight.Pray the Gay away,if you will..It doesn't work like that,and no amount of prayer can turn a Heterosexual Gay,or vice versa..If you believe that,then I feel for you..Wishing something does not make it so..I will cover my religious feeling in another post..
         Fate dealt me the Gay card,I took what was given me,and made the best of my lot in life..I have no regrets about anything ..Oh,I wish things could have been better ,worked out better,but wishing,like prayer,does not make everything better...

Amityville next door neighbors

   It wouldn't be right,if I didn't include our neighbors on both sides of our haunted house,on my blog..
         None of this is ghost-related,however,I ask you to consider this all happening along with the haunting activity in our house,at the same time..Here we go..
           We had been in the house about a week,when Sears delivered our new washer and dryer..I had taken time from work to meet them,and it was my first time being home during the day..The delivery men were at the back of the house,un-boxing the new appliances..All of a sudden we hear the older woman from next door screaming:"It's pretty bad when I have to live next door to queers".....To be completely honest,it was the VERY first time that anyone had called me that..It lit up my Irish temper..I saw that she was hanging her laundry out on a clothesline..I responded with :" Its pretty bad that we have to live next door to poor white trash like you that can't even afford a dryer"..The Sears men left and said as I signed the delivery ticket,said to me :" Good luck with that" nodding toward my neighbors house..That was how it started..She wanted war,I gave her war..
           The next weekend,she saw Jim out in the backyard and called him a Fag..That was all I was going to take,now its ON!..I called out a tree service and had all of her trees that were over my fence line whacked back..I went to the hardware store and bought a root feeder..I packed it with rock salt and pumped gallons and gallons and gallons of salt water under the fence line..Funny how plants hate salt water...
        There was a small apartment building as our other neighbor..The apartment manager had the habit of placing their full garbage cans for pick up on our side,and usually spilling over..Something I had to pick up,or we'd have rats..Several times,I politely asked him not to put his garbage cans on our property,nothing changed..One morning,Jim and I were in our car,I was backing out of our garage,I saw those damned garbage cans on our property again...I slammed the car into park,and jumped out of the car..Jim was yelling:" NO KEN!!"...I grabbed those garbage cans,dumped their entire contents on to the apartment buildings parking lot..As they were metal garbage cars,I then proceeded to jump up and down until the cans were flat..Then I sailed them like Frisbees onto the piles of garbage..Funny thing,the garbage cans never again were placed on our property..
                 There was a very nice wooden fence dividing our property from the apartment building..It seems that a tenant had decided that our fence was the perfect place to drape their wet laundry on..It had been going on for some time, as the fence was showing signs of damage from the wet laundry..I caught the woman draping her wet wash on our fence..I spoke to her about the damage it was doing,how it made the place look like slum,and asked her to cease...Next week..Up was more laundry..I removed it and threw it over the fence..Next week, there it was again..This time I took and used my industrial stapler to staple everything together in a wet wad..That worked..No further wet wash..
       A week or so later,I am gardening in front,and up walks a angry man..He asks if I am the owner of our house..I confirm that I am..He tells me that I have been bothering his tenants and that he will sue me if it continues..I stand up,look him dead in the eye..I told him that I was glad that he came to see me..I brushed back the dirt with my foot to reveal the property line stake set in concrete..I took my arm and pointed straight down from that stake..I said:" You have encroached on my property,all of this landscaping must be removed"...The anger left his face and was replaced with concern..I then told him to STFU and get lost..He ran away like a cockroach does when the kitchen light comes on..
       I had been saving for Jims second anniversary gift from me..I finally had the hundred dollars that it cost (I assume today that would be like 3/4 hundred dollars..It was a am/fm multiplex stereo clock radio...He loved it of course,and that made me happy..About a month later we arrived home after having dinner with friends..I parked at the curb out in front,as I had made a repair to the concrete garage floor and couldn't put the car away..As we walked toward the house,we were shocked to see our cat outside,in the front yard..I picked him up and brought him in..We never let the cat outside,and we thought that he had somehow sneaked out.As I walk through the house,I can hear our dog barking in the back yard..I enter the family room, and there is our glass slider door forced open..That's how the cat got out..Now I am going through the house,room by room..My stereo system is gone,but worst of all was that Jim's anniversary present had been stolen,as well..
        As the cops were always visiting the guy next door who lived with his mommy,I knew who broke into our house...I caught him and his mommy outside the very next morning and told them that if they ever set foot on my property again,I would blow their brains out..I was so loud,it seems,that our across the streets neighbor said she could hear me while she was in the shower,at the back of their house..
  That seemed effective,and so Mommy Dearest and her thug son left us alone from that day forward..
         For the record, I was working 6 days a week then,and had all of this going on at the same time..LOL!

Amityville West

        It was in 1976...Jim and I had been a couple for about a year..I kept my second job to help raise the down payment for our first house together..At the time there was a house buying frenzy going on in California..We got pre-approved for a home loan,and off we went looking for the perfect house..
              Many of what we were shown were so broken down,it was discouraging..Then, one bight Sunday afternoon,we were shown THE house..It was nothing special,a North Hollywood Ca. WW2-built tract house,built for war workers..It was a two-bedroom,single bath house with a very large family room tacked on to the rear of the house..It had not been updated since it was built in 1942..But,we liked it enough to bid successfully and buy it..
            After a lengthy escrow,finally,we had the keys and happily moved into that house,never once guessing what lay in store for us..
             At the time we moved in,we had both,a cat and a black Lab dog..The very first night upon moving in,the Spirits wasted no time in announcing their presence..Jim and I fell into bed,exhausted from the move..We were in bed for no more than five minutes when we heard a extremely loud SLAM of what sounded like the front door..We both jumped up,ran into the living room,turned on a light,and saw...nothing...
We both examined the front door,the night chain was on,the lock and deadbolt locked..We shrugged our collective shoulders,and went back to bed..
          A few days later,we were awakened by the sound of the toilet flushing..Not just running water noise,but the clunk of the handle,as well..I would get up,look it over,I saw nothing but the water swirling the toilet bowl...I told Jim about it and he said that he,too,had heard it clunk and flush by itself..I called out a plumber,and he inspected the entire houses plumbing..He discovered a tiny leak under the house from the bath tub,nothing else..As the toilet was old.he recommended changing it out,which I agreed to have him do..
That night,new toilet installed,I was awakened by our dog whining..I got up,and found him in the hallway,staring into the darkened bathroom,and loudly whining..I could also hear the new toilet complete a flushing sequence..The next day,I called the plumber back out..He confirmed that the new toilet was fine,and had no explanation for the flushing..That toilet would flush on its own from time to time the entire two years that we owned that house..
      A few months after moving in,Jim and I noticed that there were what sounded like raps and knocks on the bedroom wall behind our heads..Some nights there were no knocks,other nights there were many knocks..At first,Jim thought I was making the noise..I thought it was him..What other explanation could there be? One night,the knocking went on and on..I got angry,turned around and pounded loudly on the wall..The knocks stopped instantly..It was quiet for a minute or so,the there were a series of extremely LOUD bangs on the wall...So loud in fact,that I put my hand on the wall and could feel the vibration in the wall from the invisible blows..As long as we lived in that house,the knocks and wall taps and bangs continued..
    Jim and I bought a new chandelier for the dining room..I hired an electrician to install it,install a dimmer switch,and inspect all of the house wiring..That night,after installation,Jim and I were in the dining room playing cards..The chandelier began flickering,bright,then dim,then steady on..I told Jim that the dimmer might be faulty and would call the electrician back out to test it..Of course,the electrician found nothing wrong..Strange,we thought..
         About 9 months of living there,we went to bed one night..Right after I turned out my bedside light,and settled down,I heard Jim whisper my name,and for me to look..Jim was on his side facing the bedroom doorway..I raised up over him and saw the same thing that Jim saw..It was a white,undulating mist or fog,sort of in the shape of a person..It was floating into our bedroom quite slowly,and was self-illuminating..It had a bright glow that seemed to come from within itself..We also noticed several tiny pinpoints of light scattered throughout its form..It stopped and just floated in mid-air..I knew it was not my imagination,as I was wide awake,and I could see this light and mist reflected on the polished wood of our dresser and its mirror...
     Our dog stared, barking furiously from the hallway at the mist,and it slowly floated back out of our bedroom and into the living room...Jim and I jumped up,ran into the living room,flipped on the lights,but saw nothing..Our dog was VERY nervous,and was pacing back and forth while whining..It was all quite unsettling..
        Jim and I had made friends with the couple across the street..We had them over for dinner a few nights after our misty friend made its first appearance..Jim and I confided all of the events taking place in our house,while seated at the dinner table..They both thought we were joking or lying,and one of them said:"If there really is a ghost in this house,turn off the chandelier"..No sooner than she said that,the chandelier went completely dark..Just like in a cheap horror film..The four of us jumped to our feet,and fled the room..I went back into the dining room and said out loud:" I believe that you are here"..The chandelier instantly lit up,full bright on..I was chilled to the bone..
     Around this time it started something new..It would be in the middle of the night,and then it would run through them house,or at least it sounded like VERY heavy work boots running  through the house..Clomp,clomp,etc..LOUDLY! This activity continued as long as we lived in the house..
         Jim had flown back to New York on business,and it was just myself and our pets..I had worked late and arrived home about midnight..I was in the kitchen,dog by my side,pouring a glass of milk..All of a sudden,this really DEEP voice booms out of the dining room and says:" Well,HELLO,Ken"..This was the first time it had ever spoken,and it scared me spit-less..I grabbed my coat,and my dog and we went out to the garage and slept in my car that night..Luckily,Jim returned the following day..
        A few months later,Jim was away on a business trip..It was a sunny Sat. morning..I was standing at the kitchen sink washing something..As I turned around,I saw "It"...There standing before me was a semi-transparent man..He was all in shades of gray..You could see that he was wearing "clothes",that he had a short beard,and appeared to be about 6'2" or so..He looked at me with the strangest glittering gold eyes..The look on his face revealed that he,at least I got the impression,that he was startled that I could see him..He turned and walked into the dining room,and faded away..
       One might think by now that I would be used to all of these strange situations,but frankly,I never got used to them..I had this fear,I have no idea why,but I was always afraid that it would start a fire..It never did, but I couldn't shake my concern that it might..
     Our animals could see the spirits..They would be lying on me or near me,then suddenly jerk up and stare and stare at empty space,following something with their eyes that we couldn't see..It was all too much,and so we sold that house and moved away..
      We were concerned at first,that what ever was haunting that house might attach itself to us and move with us..Happily,that never happened!
        We were glad to be free of that house,but, our buyers needed us to carry a Second Trust Deed on it as they didn't have enough cash to close..I convinced Jim that we should,and so,at close we got the Second as part of our proceeds..What happened several years later was unnerving..
          We knew that the house was sold by our buyers,as we agreed to keep the Second in place..One stormy evening,I received a very strange phone call..It was from the woman who had bought the house from our buyers..She was very agitated and upset..She asked me if anything weird had ever happened to us while we lived in that house..Not sure where this was going,I asked her if there was a problem..This is what she told me..
        She and her boyfriend of 7 years bought the house..They had been in the house several weeks when they noticed odd things happening..Toilet flushing,banging and thudding,you get the idea..But,for her,it got much worse..She said that her boyfriend had changed..That he began heavy drinking..Enough so,that he drank himself out of a job..That he was violent,where he had never been violent before..It seems one day,she came home from work,to find him lying on the floor of the dining room,drooling and digging into the plaster with a screwdriver..She told me that they broke up not long after that,and he moved out..She mentioned that both her cats disappeared and never returned  not long after her boyfriend moved out..Then,completely breaking down,and crying in anguish,she told me the worst of it all...That she had been in the second bedroom,folding laundry..That something invisible grabbed her and threw her down on the bed..That she was raped by something of great force..She told me that after her attack,she grabbed her purse and coat and fled to her sisters house up on Mulholland Drive..That she was never,ever setting one foot in that house again..
     Now, of course,I wasn't there,I don't know what really happened..However,it defies logic that she would call me out of the blue,to lie to me..I do know that I heard the terror and panic in her voice..It is my belief that she told me truth..
     Jim asked me if we should advance to the First,and take the house back..I spent a couple of hours considering that idea..In the end,I flatly refused to..The house was foreclosed on,and our Second and its connection to that evil house dissolved..

Changing gears

 As you will find,my blog can and will change gears and topics all of the time..It is my solution to not be too boring..Here begins a new subject...My first exposure to the Spirit World and my psychic abilities was at the age of 6 years old...My parents and I were over visiting my aunt and uncle..I was alone in their basement,playing alone..I heard a loud noise from under the open stairs and went over to see what was causing that noise..The staircase was completely open,and under them was a large cardboard box..In that box, I could see pairs of old shoes..Suddenly,several pairs of shoes rose out of that box and began to dance about,in mid-air..This activity lasted a minute or so,then the shoes floated over to the box,and dropped back in...Racing up the stairs,I told the adults who laughed and discounted the event..
       The next event occurred a few weeks before Christmas...I was 12 years old, at the time..I told my younger brother that I knew what one of our grandmothers was giving me for Christmas,and that it was a slot car set..Well,my mother flipped out when my younger brother told her what I had confided to him..She insisted that I somehow had discovered the gifts hiding spot,unwrapped it,then re-wrapped it and put it back..Of course I hadn't done any of those things,but my mother,as you will learn was anything but rational..
      For the next nine years,I can recall nothing specific about a psychic nature..I was 21 when the next event took place....I had moved into a new apartment in a rather large complex,while living in Houston Texas,at the time...The building was fairly new,my apartment was your average one bedroom,one bathroom layout..
       My very first night in my new apartment gave me nightmares so profound,I woke up screaming,bathed in sweat..The next night,I was sitting up in bed,reading a book, and trying to get sleepy..I saw motion out of my side vision,and looked over to my right,at the bare wall...I watched as what appeared to be semi-transparent limbs,and then the attire of a man and woman,seemingly descending a staircase that was not actually there..The female Spirit was dressed in a ball gown,the man in evening clothes..They made no noise,but I could see their lips moving..I watched the female spirit throw back her head and laugh at something her escort told her,or so it appeared to me,anyway...They slowly continued to descend through the floor and vanished..I gathered a blanket and pillow and slept on my sofa that night,with all of the lights on..
       The next morning,I was dressing to leave for work..My clothes were in a very large closet..When I opened the closet door,I saw what appeared to be a semi-transparent Hispanic man..He was crouching on the closet floor,wearing a serape' and a straw hat..He looked up and glared at me with bright,very angry looking red eyes,and frankly frightened me..Having no choice,I entered the closet anyway,quickly grabbed some clothes,dressed in my living room,and fled..
     I knew that this apartment was not the one for me..After work,I stopped by the managers office and asked her if I could change apartments..I didn't tell her of my experiences in my apartment ,lest she think me crazy..I was allowed to move to a different apartment,which I happily did..I lived in that apartment for the term of my lease and never had one psychic experience...In fact,it was several years before my next run-in with ghosts..
         I will mention that one of the neighbors in the neighborhood,a very old man,asked me one day,as I was washing my car,how I liked living in the complex..He told me that it stood where a very large old mansion had been before,and that the mansion had been converted to a funeral home,at some point...That might explain the haunting's I experienced..
       My next experience with Spirits was when Jim and I bought one of the strangest,most haunted structures since the famed Amityville  house..That house will be my next posting..

Thursday, January 6, 2011


    Jim and I enjoy looking at new homes,and the Talavera development was no exception....We toured the models,and asked for a plat map of what models were going to be built on which lots..
    We fell in love with a four bedroom two bath design,with a den/office..The lot it was to be built on had territorial views of the mountains..
     Luckily,we accepted a offer to purchase on our old house,and so put a deposit down with the builder for our new house..Being a rather pricey development,Jim and I foolishly assumed that we would enjoy having nice neighbors,as a consequence..HAHAHAHA!
            Moving forward,the house was built and finished..I will always remember the guy the builder sent in to do the final touch-ups to our house..Looking at the family portrait of Jim and I hanging over our fireplace,mentioned how it was Valentines Day that day,had how he sure was so lonely and so-forth..Yeah..I got it..Yeah,I know what all of the personal "adjusting" he was conducting on himself meant...I was putting things away in my new kitchen at the time..I simply excused myself and went into my new office to put away things,after I locked the door behind me...
         Next up was the burglar alarm installer...I had ordered both a fire alarm and a burglar alarm system to be installed...The installer arrived and began the installation..He gained access to the attic and was up there for quite some time..After the system was up and running,he asked me if he could take a shower after being exposed to all of that attic insulation..All I could think of was:" Women,why are your men all so "lonely?"..
I pointed him to one of the bathroom showers and got him a towel...It was amusing to watch him rush out of the bathroom soaking wet,and insist in getting redressed in my living room, where I happened to be, on my laptop computer..
     I called our landscaper and ordered a new sod lawn installed in the front of our house,along with assorted plants in the flowerbeds..That is when I met the neighbors on our right,,Up until then, all I knew was that they were in their late 20's and owned two pit bull dogs..I also knew that the pit bulls had attacked one of the builders employees..Anyway, my neighbor demanded to know if the builder had paid for our new sod lawn..No, I explained that we paid for it... I also decided that I wanted nothing to do with this idiot..
      Across the street from us, we had a nice Hispanic Lesbian couple and their three children..To their left,was a nice straight newlywed couple,in their first house..Jim and I befriended both households..
      It was really nice living next to pit bull owners..every time I worked in the flower beds in my backyard on their side,the pit dogs charged and rammed the fence right where I was working, barking and screaming,trying to get at me..What pleasant and sweet animals they are..
       One Sat. night, I invited the newlyweds and the Lesbians over for a dinner party..It was really nice,and everyone had a nice evening...The next morning,I go out in the driveway to get our paper,and I am approached by a woman neighbor two doors down from us..She wanted to know why there were teenagers in front of our house the night before..I told her I had no idea why, but that we had neighbors over for the evening..Of course she was implying that the teens were visiting Jim and I,but I didn't realize that until later that day...
       One morning,I see a magazine fluttering in the wind, in our backyard..It was a Heterosexual sex magazine,rather tattered..It had been tossed over our rear yard fence..I knew where it came from..Lets see the mentality at work here..OOOOOO! So THAT is what I am missing!! Lets go to a strip club right NOW and get lap dances!!!
          I get a phone call from the newlywed wife across the street..In tears, she says that they can no longer be friends with  us because the neighbors told her husband the we were being their friend only to gain access to her husband..That call made me sadder that I can ever convey..Then, I was furious..The following morning, I saw the neighbor responsible for all of these things..I slammed on my brakes,jumped out of my car,and called him out to a fistfight right there in the street..That sissy Heterosexual instead, ran back to his house,and hid behind his wife's skirts..
    Around that time,there was a flyer circulated about another neighbor who was a convicted pedophile living in the next block..On our left were a man and woman that fought to the degree that you could hear the screaming and smashing of things,nightly...So much for "nice neighbors"..
    After two years of all of this bull-hockey,I told Jim,that I had enough..

Living full time in Palm Springs Part one..

    Having a house that we used on Holidays and weekends does not give one much of a idea about one's neighbors..It turned out that we have Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hater living to our immediate left..Oh goody! It started with my request that Mr. Hater observe the lot line and stay on his own property,and stop calling me names like:" queer,faggot,etc"..when I worked in my yard....He seemed incapable of not walking all over my side yard..Why,I have no idea..I called a fencing company,I asked for and approved a design and bid..I paid extra for a permit..A week later,there was the fence crew.measuring the lot line and putting in the posts..Then the fencing went up..Poor Mr. Hater now had no access to my side yard..Oh how Mr. & Mrs. Hater literally screamed,hollered,and foamed at the mouth over that fence being installed..Then I get a letter from the city..It seems my fence guy never filed for a fence permit!! The city and the Haters wanted the fence taken down..What to do? So,I turned my rabid pit-bull of an attorney on the city,the neighbors and the fence company..I told my lawyer to run up Mr. & Mrs. Haters' legal expenses to the hilt any way he could dream of..As they were retired,and from a era of penny-pinching,I doubted that they would be able or willing to spend much on a lawyer..I was right..They folded..The city relented,the fence stayed...
               Mrs. Hater had a massive heart attack and died a few months after that..Mr. Hater moved out and went to a place that Haters dwell..
               I was just winding up a many-months remodel of our house while this was all going on..Our house was finished,but it now felt unwelcoming to us,because of all of this..We put it on the market for sale,and started looking at other houses..
              Soon after we started looking,we saw the billboard for a new housing development not too far away,called "Talavera"..Off we went to see the models..

A few odd creatures

   Jim and I were attending a fundraiser dinner for a local charity that gives trained dogs for free to poor,disabled people..We were seated with two other Gay couples at a table,all four of whom we didn't know at all..During the meal,one couple shared with us all that both of their elderly mothers had reached such a state of advanced age,that they no longer could live alone..
     They said that they,at first,were going to "add another wing" on to their palace,but,instead,bought a local nursing home,and placed the old dears therein..When Gabriell's golden horn sounded,and the elderly women departed for parts unknown,they sold the nursing home..Upon hearing this,I turned to Jim and said:" That reminds me,I wanted a pack of gum today,so I bought the Wrigley company"..Jim burst out laughing,and we both quietly said our goodnights and left..
        One Dec. evening,several years ago,we were at a Christmas party at a friends home..Jim had wondered off,and so I was then was approached by a odd looking fellow attired in a blazer..He introduced himself to me as being a Royal Prince..Of course,I am thinking:" Here we go again"..His Majesty had a question for me...He wanted to know if I thought it was proper for him to attend the party wearing his Royal Crest on his jacket..I looked him up and down quite slowly and replied:"You are the one that's the Royalty around here,why on earth would you care about the commoners?"..As his face flushed a deep red,I excused myself from his Highness...
      On another occasion,we had been invited to a private grand opening party to be held at the newly remodeled Palm Springs Racquet Club...It was a nice mixed crowd in attendance...Straight and Gay,men & women..I secured a cocktail for both Jim and I,and while standing at the bar waiting for my order,a woman unknown to me observed and commented on my watch,and asked to examine it..Of course I wasn't about to take it off my wrist..In the semi-dark this woman could readily identify that I was wearing my Rolex..I took comfort in my sudden realization that it was not just the Gays working the crowd,so to speak..
         Saying goodbye to my new timekeeper,I took Jim his cocktail..I took my drink and went outside to see the pool and the grounds..Seated poolside,I was joined by a complete stranger..He asked if he could sit next to me..I encouraged him to do so..We chatted about the beautiful landscaping,pool, etc..Then,he made the observation that he thought I had a "kind face"..UH oh...
        Mr. Stranger had a tale of woe that went like this.." I rent a condo here at the Racquet Club..I have a guy that I am seeing,he is younger than myself"..I congratulated the stranger on his good fortune..His response was a sad one..He replied:" Well, not only is he younger than me,but he has much more money than I do"..."He wants to fly to New York for the season opening of Broadway,and I have no tux to wear"...
    I told the stranger that if he thought the younger guy really cared for him, and that he was more wealthy than Mr. Stranger was,that it didn't matter if Mr. Stranger had no money to speak off"..I offered my opinion that it was more important for him to be open and honest about his situation..
      Mr. Stranger was silent for a few minutes,then stood, thanked me and left..I returned inside to join Jim and some of our friends..As I sat down,one friend said in a very puzzled voice:"I had no idea that you knew (Name) Mr. Stranger..My friend told me that the guy was actually a very well known millionaire in town..That he was famous for chartering a plane and taking his friends to New York for shows...
     Now why Mr. Stranger spun that silly story about himself is anyone's guess,but it was certainly strange..

Life in paradise

           My life partner and I live in Palm Springs,Ca.,and have for over 12 years..We moved here from Woodland Hills,Ca..Jim wanted to start his retirement,and as we already had a house in Palm Springs,moving into it full time seemed the natural thing to do..
           As one might expect,visiting Palm Springs,and living here full time is quite different..But,we settled in rather quickly,and began attending social functions to meet new people and make new friends..We certainly met a lot of different people...
          For entertainment value,I will be highlighting only the ones that were so strange,they remain classic Palm Springs stories unto themselves,on here..
          It was so confusing at first..Every last person that we met went to great lengths to promote the idea that they were wealthy enough to rival king Midas,himself..It was like a contest,one person raising the stakes of their vast wealth and global holdings higher than the next..
         Fools that we both were,we assumed that people that had no reason to lie about themselves like they do and did,so we took all of this at face value..Of course,now sadder and wiser,I realize all too well why so many people here do that...
         I am not better than those sorry,fanciful spinners of tales of mega-wealth that they do not really  have,it's simply that I don't care..I have never cared about what someone had..Oh,I will make polite noises about it,but,I don't care..I have known by first names several film and television stars..I have met and had coffee with a famous business tycoon..I have been in homes that have been featured in Architectural digest magazine..I know wealth..REAL wealth,not the wealth I see expressed with silly words and childish puffery..
        On the other hand,I have known and have been and are friends with people considered middle class,with average homes and cars..What someone has or does not have means nothing to me..It is WHO they are that matters..I have always been of that mindset,and I expect that I always will..

Welcome to Elk's blog

           Welcome to Elk's blog...As I have many,many interest's,there are sure to be something in my blog's content to interest you...As a Gay,married man together over 36 years,you will find relationship's,mine and others,discussed here..I am a self-professed Spirit communicator/medium,so all things ghostly will be a topic of a post or three here...I am now retired after a lifetime of managing/owning both restaurants and bars,so that broad topic will be included..I am a avid RV'er and sport fisherman...Anything related to the outdoors and travel will be on my blog..I have been and remain a car history buff most of my life..My love of old,classic cars will be detailed..I am a devoted silent film buff,and possess a large,mostly rare library devoted to this subject..I collect Victorian Art Glass,and am considered by others to possess a great knowledge on this subject..
                Also,you will find a lot of this blogs content to be about people..People I have known,and how that all plays out...Like life,some is good, some is bad,and most neutral..I work hard at trying not to take myself,or anything else very seriously..