Friday, January 7, 2011

Opportunities missed

          Most of us regret opportunities that were missed...I regret very few opportunities missed..One such opportunity that I missed was not owning a Golden Retriever decades ago.
          Oh, I have a had a few dogs in my life..A female St. Bernard,a male black Lab,and a hyper female Cocker Spaniel..Good dogs,all..Make no doubt about that..But,they were never anything as magical as a Golden Retriever...
          Intelligent? Beyond words to describe.. My Golden took three days to completely housebreak after we brought him home from the Breeders',two months old..Never one accident...
     Never leaves my side, unless he seems something that interests him more,like rabbit or a duck,but he is a retriever,after all..This dog wants to please,and tries hard to please..Some nights,I will find him in the hallway,guarding the bedroom door entrance...
          My Golden is what is called a Free-Feeder...He eats only when he is hungry,not just because there is food around..I can put his food down and sometimes he won't eat,until dinner time..
   Are Golden Retrievers perfect? No...They have their quirks,just like humans..I would not recommend a Golden for every one..If you don't have patience,Forget Goldens..They are exuberant,enthusiastic animals..My Golden is almost four and at times,acts like a young puppy..They are bouncy dogs,they love to jump,some might not like that trait..They are crafty...My Golden hides socks,and then chews them up later,when we are not around..This happens for no reason I can tell..I just take the socks away and buy new ones..Someone else might not be so calm about it..Everything a Golden see's instantly belongs to them..MINE! MINE! MINE! thinks the Golden..This doesn't bother me, but it might get annoying to others..
     If you don't like dog kisses,do NOT acquire a Golden..They are by nature both sweet,happy,and loving..You will get kissed,I promise...I just go wash off my arm,hand,leg,etc..
       I think of Golden's as my missed opportunity..Had I known how wonderful they are,I would have had at least two of them my entire life...My health challenges now restrict me to having one,and my hope that I outlive my Golden..
      If you are thinking of adding a dog to your household,please consider a Golden...Mine is from registered champions,and has a better pedigree than I do,but there are other Golden's that are no less wonderful even without the champion bloodline..They are no where near as expensive as my Golden..It is all about what you want..

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