Thursday, January 6, 2011

A few odd creatures

   Jim and I were attending a fundraiser dinner for a local charity that gives trained dogs for free to poor,disabled people..We were seated with two other Gay couples at a table,all four of whom we didn't know at all..During the meal,one couple shared with us all that both of their elderly mothers had reached such a state of advanced age,that they no longer could live alone..
     They said that they,at first,were going to "add another wing" on to their palace,but,instead,bought a local nursing home,and placed the old dears therein..When Gabriell's golden horn sounded,and the elderly women departed for parts unknown,they sold the nursing home..Upon hearing this,I turned to Jim and said:" That reminds me,I wanted a pack of gum today,so I bought the Wrigley company"..Jim burst out laughing,and we both quietly said our goodnights and left..
        One Dec. evening,several years ago,we were at a Christmas party at a friends home..Jim had wondered off,and so I was then was approached by a odd looking fellow attired in a blazer..He introduced himself to me as being a Royal Prince..Of course,I am thinking:" Here we go again"..His Majesty had a question for me...He wanted to know if I thought it was proper for him to attend the party wearing his Royal Crest on his jacket..I looked him up and down quite slowly and replied:"You are the one that's the Royalty around here,why on earth would you care about the commoners?"..As his face flushed a deep red,I excused myself from his Highness...
      On another occasion,we had been invited to a private grand opening party to be held at the newly remodeled Palm Springs Racquet Club...It was a nice mixed crowd in attendance...Straight and Gay,men & women..I secured a cocktail for both Jim and I,and while standing at the bar waiting for my order,a woman unknown to me observed and commented on my watch,and asked to examine it..Of course I wasn't about to take it off my wrist..In the semi-dark this woman could readily identify that I was wearing my Rolex..I took comfort in my sudden realization that it was not just the Gays working the crowd,so to speak..
         Saying goodbye to my new timekeeper,I took Jim his cocktail..I took my drink and went outside to see the pool and the grounds..Seated poolside,I was joined by a complete stranger..He asked if he could sit next to me..I encouraged him to do so..We chatted about the beautiful landscaping,pool, etc..Then,he made the observation that he thought I had a "kind face"..UH oh...
        Mr. Stranger had a tale of woe that went like this.." I rent a condo here at the Racquet Club..I have a guy that I am seeing,he is younger than myself"..I congratulated the stranger on his good fortune..His response was a sad one..He replied:" Well, not only is he younger than me,but he has much more money than I do"..."He wants to fly to New York for the season opening of Broadway,and I have no tux to wear"...
    I told the stranger that if he thought the younger guy really cared for him, and that he was more wealthy than Mr. Stranger was,that it didn't matter if Mr. Stranger had no money to speak off"..I offered my opinion that it was more important for him to be open and honest about his situation..
      Mr. Stranger was silent for a few minutes,then stood, thanked me and left..I returned inside to join Jim and some of our friends..As I sat down,one friend said in a very puzzled voice:"I had no idea that you knew (Name) Mr. Stranger..My friend told me that the guy was actually a very well known millionaire in town..That he was famous for chartering a plane and taking his friends to New York for shows...
     Now why Mr. Stranger spun that silly story about himself is anyone's guess,but it was certainly strange..

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