Friday, January 7, 2011

Amityville next door neighbors

   It wouldn't be right,if I didn't include our neighbors on both sides of our haunted house,on my blog..
         None of this is ghost-related,however,I ask you to consider this all happening along with the haunting activity in our house,at the same time..Here we go..
           We had been in the house about a week,when Sears delivered our new washer and dryer..I had taken time from work to meet them,and it was my first time being home during the day..The delivery men were at the back of the house,un-boxing the new appliances..All of a sudden we hear the older woman from next door screaming:"It's pretty bad when I have to live next door to queers".....To be completely honest,it was the VERY first time that anyone had called me that..It lit up my Irish temper..I saw that she was hanging her laundry out on a clothesline..I responded with :" Its pretty bad that we have to live next door to poor white trash like you that can't even afford a dryer"..The Sears men left and said as I signed the delivery ticket,said to me :" Good luck with that" nodding toward my neighbors house..That was how it started..She wanted war,I gave her war..
           The next weekend,she saw Jim out in the backyard and called him a Fag..That was all I was going to take,now its ON!..I called out a tree service and had all of her trees that were over my fence line whacked back..I went to the hardware store and bought a root feeder..I packed it with rock salt and pumped gallons and gallons and gallons of salt water under the fence line..Funny how plants hate salt water...
        There was a small apartment building as our other neighbor..The apartment manager had the habit of placing their full garbage cans for pick up on our side,and usually spilling over..Something I had to pick up,or we'd have rats..Several times,I politely asked him not to put his garbage cans on our property,nothing changed..One morning,Jim and I were in our car,I was backing out of our garage,I saw those damned garbage cans on our property again...I slammed the car into park,and jumped out of the car..Jim was yelling:" NO KEN!!"...I grabbed those garbage cans,dumped their entire contents on to the apartment buildings parking lot..As they were metal garbage cars,I then proceeded to jump up and down until the cans were flat..Then I sailed them like Frisbees onto the piles of garbage..Funny thing,the garbage cans never again were placed on our property..
                 There was a very nice wooden fence dividing our property from the apartment building..It seems that a tenant had decided that our fence was the perfect place to drape their wet laundry on..It had been going on for some time, as the fence was showing signs of damage from the wet laundry..I caught the woman draping her wet wash on our fence..I spoke to her about the damage it was doing,how it made the place look like slum,and asked her to cease...Next week..Up was more laundry..I removed it and threw it over the fence..Next week, there it was again..This time I took and used my industrial stapler to staple everything together in a wet wad..That worked..No further wet wash..
       A week or so later,I am gardening in front,and up walks a angry man..He asks if I am the owner of our house..I confirm that I am..He tells me that I have been bothering his tenants and that he will sue me if it continues..I stand up,look him dead in the eye..I told him that I was glad that he came to see me..I brushed back the dirt with my foot to reveal the property line stake set in concrete..I took my arm and pointed straight down from that stake..I said:" You have encroached on my property,all of this landscaping must be removed"...The anger left his face and was replaced with concern..I then told him to STFU and get lost..He ran away like a cockroach does when the kitchen light comes on..
       I had been saving for Jims second anniversary gift from me..I finally had the hundred dollars that it cost (I assume today that would be like 3/4 hundred dollars..It was a am/fm multiplex stereo clock radio...He loved it of course,and that made me happy..About a month later we arrived home after having dinner with friends..I parked at the curb out in front,as I had made a repair to the concrete garage floor and couldn't put the car away..As we walked toward the house,we were shocked to see our cat outside,in the front yard..I picked him up and brought him in..We never let the cat outside,and we thought that he had somehow sneaked out.As I walk through the house,I can hear our dog barking in the back yard..I enter the family room, and there is our glass slider door forced open..That's how the cat got out..Now I am going through the house,room by room..My stereo system is gone,but worst of all was that Jim's anniversary present had been stolen,as well..
        As the cops were always visiting the guy next door who lived with his mommy,I knew who broke into our house...I caught him and his mommy outside the very next morning and told them that if they ever set foot on my property again,I would blow their brains out..I was so loud,it seems,that our across the streets neighbor said she could hear me while she was in the shower,at the back of their house..
  That seemed effective,and so Mommy Dearest and her thug son left us alone from that day forward..
         For the record, I was working 6 days a week then,and had all of this going on at the same time..LOL!

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