Friday, January 7, 2011

Meeting Jim

    It was a real fluke  the way I met Jim..I was invited to attend a motorcycle weekend run (campout),and even though I had a big,heavy touring motorcycle,I just didn't feel like attending..The day before the run officially started,a friend of mine called and insisted that I use his ticket to go,as he had to work..
      I seldom decline anything free,so I packed my gear,jumped on my bike and took off for the mountains..When I arrived,I was greeted by a bunch of friends and people that I knew..They wanted me to camp by them, so,I did..After setting up my camp,I rode over to the area where the motorcycle events were taking place..I was just sitting there and wishing that I had a partner to do some of the events with..No sooner than I thought that,I saw Jim,standing alone,watching the events..I gunned my bike and went over to him..We exchanged introductions..He had lots of questions about my bike and asked for a ride..I gave him my helmet,and off we went,for about an hour..
       Even though meals were included with the run,I asked Jim if I could take him out to dinner...He agreed! YAY! So I took us to town, to the local steakhouse..After dinner,we returned to camp, and sat by the bonfire with everyone else..
             The next morning,we went over to the cookhouse for breakfast,,As we sat down at the table,there was some guy crying,sitting across from us..After he left,I told Jim that is one reason why I don't usually go on these runs'..Someone is always breaking up with someone else..It's depressing..
           Jim blinked and said: "That crying guy was the guy I came up here with"...I confess I was shocked as this was the first time I had heard of someone else..I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing..I went fishing down at the lake after breakfast,and Jim asked to join me..That was the first,but not the last time that Jim has shocked me..
         The next day,we broke camp and packed up..Jim and I traded numbers..I rode back to L.A.,went home,cleaned up and went down to the bar my club hangs at,for the awards presentation from the run that was happening that night..I arrived and the place was packed...It looked like it was going to be so much fun,that I called Jim and invited him down..Jim showed up,and we were never separated again..

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