Friday, January 7, 2011

Changing gears

 As you will find,my blog can and will change gears and topics all of the time..It is my solution to not be too boring..Here begins a new subject...My first exposure to the Spirit World and my psychic abilities was at the age of 6 years old...My parents and I were over visiting my aunt and uncle..I was alone in their basement,playing alone..I heard a loud noise from under the open stairs and went over to see what was causing that noise..The staircase was completely open,and under them was a large cardboard box..In that box, I could see pairs of old shoes..Suddenly,several pairs of shoes rose out of that box and began to dance about,in mid-air..This activity lasted a minute or so,then the shoes floated over to the box,and dropped back in...Racing up the stairs,I told the adults who laughed and discounted the event..
       The next event occurred a few weeks before Christmas...I was 12 years old, at the time..I told my younger brother that I knew what one of our grandmothers was giving me for Christmas,and that it was a slot car set..Well,my mother flipped out when my younger brother told her what I had confided to him..She insisted that I somehow had discovered the gifts hiding spot,unwrapped it,then re-wrapped it and put it back..Of course I hadn't done any of those things,but my mother,as you will learn was anything but rational..
      For the next nine years,I can recall nothing specific about a psychic nature..I was 21 when the next event took place....I had moved into a new apartment in a rather large complex,while living in Houston Texas,at the time...The building was fairly new,my apartment was your average one bedroom,one bathroom layout..
       My very first night in my new apartment gave me nightmares so profound,I woke up screaming,bathed in sweat..The next night,I was sitting up in bed,reading a book, and trying to get sleepy..I saw motion out of my side vision,and looked over to my right,at the bare wall...I watched as what appeared to be semi-transparent limbs,and then the attire of a man and woman,seemingly descending a staircase that was not actually there..The female Spirit was dressed in a ball gown,the man in evening clothes..They made no noise,but I could see their lips moving..I watched the female spirit throw back her head and laugh at something her escort told her,or so it appeared to me,anyway...They slowly continued to descend through the floor and vanished..I gathered a blanket and pillow and slept on my sofa that night,with all of the lights on..
       The next morning,I was dressing to leave for work..My clothes were in a very large closet..When I opened the closet door,I saw what appeared to be a semi-transparent Hispanic man..He was crouching on the closet floor,wearing a serape' and a straw hat..He looked up and glared at me with bright,very angry looking red eyes,and frankly frightened me..Having no choice,I entered the closet anyway,quickly grabbed some clothes,dressed in my living room,and fled..
     I knew that this apartment was not the one for me..After work,I stopped by the managers office and asked her if I could change apartments..I didn't tell her of my experiences in my apartment ,lest she think me crazy..I was allowed to move to a different apartment,which I happily did..I lived in that apartment for the term of my lease and never had one psychic experience...In fact,it was several years before my next run-in with ghosts..
         I will mention that one of the neighbors in the neighborhood,a very old man,asked me one day,as I was washing my car,how I liked living in the complex..He told me that it stood where a very large old mansion had been before,and that the mansion had been converted to a funeral home,at some point...That might explain the haunting's I experienced..
       My next experience with Spirits was when Jim and I bought one of the strangest,most haunted structures since the famed Amityville  house..That house will be my next posting..

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