Thursday, January 6, 2011

Living full time in Palm Springs Part one..

    Having a house that we used on Holidays and weekends does not give one much of a idea about one's neighbors..It turned out that we have Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hater living to our immediate left..Oh goody! It started with my request that Mr. Hater observe the lot line and stay on his own property,and stop calling me names like:" queer,faggot,etc"..when I worked in my yard....He seemed incapable of not walking all over my side yard..Why,I have no idea..I called a fencing company,I asked for and approved a design and bid..I paid extra for a permit..A week later,there was the fence crew.measuring the lot line and putting in the posts..Then the fencing went up..Poor Mr. Hater now had no access to my side yard..Oh how Mr. & Mrs. Hater literally screamed,hollered,and foamed at the mouth over that fence being installed..Then I get a letter from the city..It seems my fence guy never filed for a fence permit!! The city and the Haters wanted the fence taken down..What to do? So,I turned my rabid pit-bull of an attorney on the city,the neighbors and the fence company..I told my lawyer to run up Mr. & Mrs. Haters' legal expenses to the hilt any way he could dream of..As they were retired,and from a era of penny-pinching,I doubted that they would be able or willing to spend much on a lawyer..I was right..They folded..The city relented,the fence stayed...
               Mrs. Hater had a massive heart attack and died a few months after that..Mr. Hater moved out and went to a place that Haters dwell..
               I was just winding up a many-months remodel of our house while this was all going on..Our house was finished,but it now felt unwelcoming to us,because of all of this..We put it on the market for sale,and started looking at other houses..
              Soon after we started looking,we saw the billboard for a new housing development not too far away,called "Talavera"..Off we went to see the models..

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