Thursday, January 6, 2011


    Jim and I enjoy looking at new homes,and the Talavera development was no exception....We toured the models,and asked for a plat map of what models were going to be built on which lots..
    We fell in love with a four bedroom two bath design,with a den/office..The lot it was to be built on had territorial views of the mountains..
     Luckily,we accepted a offer to purchase on our old house,and so put a deposit down with the builder for our new house..Being a rather pricey development,Jim and I foolishly assumed that we would enjoy having nice neighbors,as a consequence..HAHAHAHA!
            Moving forward,the house was built and finished..I will always remember the guy the builder sent in to do the final touch-ups to our house..Looking at the family portrait of Jim and I hanging over our fireplace,mentioned how it was Valentines Day that day,had how he sure was so lonely and so-forth..Yeah..I got it..Yeah,I know what all of the personal "adjusting" he was conducting on himself meant...I was putting things away in my new kitchen at the time..I simply excused myself and went into my new office to put away things,after I locked the door behind me...
         Next up was the burglar alarm installer...I had ordered both a fire alarm and a burglar alarm system to be installed...The installer arrived and began the installation..He gained access to the attic and was up there for quite some time..After the system was up and running,he asked me if he could take a shower after being exposed to all of that attic insulation..All I could think of was:" Women,why are your men all so "lonely?"..
I pointed him to one of the bathroom showers and got him a towel...It was amusing to watch him rush out of the bathroom soaking wet,and insist in getting redressed in my living room, where I happened to be, on my laptop computer..
     I called our landscaper and ordered a new sod lawn installed in the front of our house,along with assorted plants in the flowerbeds..That is when I met the neighbors on our right,,Up until then, all I knew was that they were in their late 20's and owned two pit bull dogs..I also knew that the pit bulls had attacked one of the builders employees..Anyway, my neighbor demanded to know if the builder had paid for our new sod lawn..No, I explained that we paid for it... I also decided that I wanted nothing to do with this idiot..
      Across the street from us, we had a nice Hispanic Lesbian couple and their three children..To their left,was a nice straight newlywed couple,in their first house..Jim and I befriended both households..
      It was really nice living next to pit bull owners..every time I worked in the flower beds in my backyard on their side,the pit dogs charged and rammed the fence right where I was working, barking and screaming,trying to get at me..What pleasant and sweet animals they are..
       One Sat. night, I invited the newlyweds and the Lesbians over for a dinner party..It was really nice,and everyone had a nice evening...The next morning,I go out in the driveway to get our paper,and I am approached by a woman neighbor two doors down from us..She wanted to know why there were teenagers in front of our house the night before..I told her I had no idea why, but that we had neighbors over for the evening..Of course she was implying that the teens were visiting Jim and I,but I didn't realize that until later that day...
       One morning,I see a magazine fluttering in the wind, in our backyard..It was a Heterosexual sex magazine,rather tattered..It had been tossed over our rear yard fence..I knew where it came from..Lets see the mentality at work here..OOOOOO! So THAT is what I am missing!! Lets go to a strip club right NOW and get lap dances!!!
          I get a phone call from the newlywed wife across the street..In tears, she says that they can no longer be friends with  us because the neighbors told her husband the we were being their friend only to gain access to her husband..That call made me sadder that I can ever convey..Then, I was furious..The following morning, I saw the neighbor responsible for all of these things..I slammed on my brakes,jumped out of my car,and called him out to a fistfight right there in the street..That sissy Heterosexual instead, ran back to his house,and hid behind his wife's skirts..
    Around that time,there was a flyer circulated about another neighbor who was a convicted pedophile living in the next block..On our left were a man and woman that fought to the degree that you could hear the screaming and smashing of things,nightly...So much for "nice neighbors"..
    After two years of all of this bull-hockey,I told Jim,that I had enough..

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