Thursday, January 6, 2011

Life in paradise

           My life partner and I live in Palm Springs,Ca.,and have for over 12 years..We moved here from Woodland Hills,Ca..Jim wanted to start his retirement,and as we already had a house in Palm Springs,moving into it full time seemed the natural thing to do..
           As one might expect,visiting Palm Springs,and living here full time is quite different..But,we settled in rather quickly,and began attending social functions to meet new people and make new friends..We certainly met a lot of different people...
          For entertainment value,I will be highlighting only the ones that were so strange,they remain classic Palm Springs stories unto themselves,on here..
          It was so confusing at first..Every last person that we met went to great lengths to promote the idea that they were wealthy enough to rival king Midas,himself..It was like a contest,one person raising the stakes of their vast wealth and global holdings higher than the next..
         Fools that we both were,we assumed that people that had no reason to lie about themselves like they do and did,so we took all of this at face value..Of course,now sadder and wiser,I realize all too well why so many people here do that...
         I am not better than those sorry,fanciful spinners of tales of mega-wealth that they do not really  have,it's simply that I don't care..I have never cared about what someone had..Oh,I will make polite noises about it,but,I don't care..I have known by first names several film and television stars..I have met and had coffee with a famous business tycoon..I have been in homes that have been featured in Architectural digest magazine..I know wealth..REAL wealth,not the wealth I see expressed with silly words and childish puffery..
        On the other hand,I have known and have been and are friends with people considered middle class,with average homes and cars..What someone has or does not have means nothing to me..It is WHO they are that matters..I have always been of that mindset,and I expect that I always will..

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